off-the-shelf solutions for
in-body cell and gene therapy

Our Mission

To develop safe, selective and efficient delivery vectors for in vivo generation of cell and gene therapies.


  • Bakul Gupta

    Bakul Gupta

    CEO and Co-Founder

  • George Tetley

    George Tetley

    CSO and Co-Founder

World-leading Advisors

About Us

ImmTune Therapies is building a platform that allows for in-patient generation of cell and gene therapies, radically increasing the potency and reach of these therapies to all the patients who need them. Using novel delivery vectors, we are overcoming the challenges posed by current vectors which have limited the use of cell and gene therapies to ex vivo manufacturing processes, and are developing a new way of manufacturing these therapies in vivo at an affordable cost.

The idea behind this technology was conceived by our founders who spent several months researching and speaking with 100s of stakeholders, and identifying the root challenges plaguing the sector. 

Our team includes driven and passionate scientists and experts in cell and molecular biology, chemistry, nanotechnology, and cell/gene therapy from several research institutions including the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London, Stanford University and King’s College London.

Science and Technology

ImmTune is pioneering the development of highly selective, safe and efficient delivery vectors for in-patient generation of cell and gene therapies. Advancements in cell and gene technologies including CRISPR, CAR-T immunotherapies are transforming the way certain fatal illnesses are managed, and cured. However, all the currently approved therapies are manufactured ex vivo, and face several challenges around limited availability, cost, and variable efficiency.

To overcome these challenges, ImmTune is developing a delivery technology, which allows us to safely, and effectively deliver genetic cargoes to targeted cells directly inside patients. This in-body generation of therapeutically active cells is cheaper, and produces more effective and longer-lasting curative products. This allows ImmTune to platform and empower the revolutionary genetic  medicines of tomorrow.

ImmTune first product is being developed for CAR-T therapy which is a form of cancer treatment that uses a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) to target killer T-cells towards tumour cells in the body. 

We are building a platform which would allow us to use our technology well beyond blood cancer, and provide an affordable option for other disease indications including solid tumours, autoimmune and infectious diseases.


At ImmTune, we have set ourselves an ambitious yet achievable mission, and we recognise the importance of working collaboratively across different scientific disciplines and sectors.

Our versatile delivery vector technology is a platform with broad applications in diverse disease indications. We are always open to partnering with companies and institutions  with complementary expertise or technologies. As we develop our base technology, we are open to opportunities for commercial partners who can accelerate this development. We are actively seeking collaborations where delivering multiple payloads to specific cells is highly desirable in achieving a particular therapeutic effect.

If you are interested in speaking with us about partnering opportunities, please contact us.